Liam Boyle aka Pendragon has been a practicing Wiccan for about 10 years. He spent 5 years active military. He is the point of contact for Louisville, Lexington and Ft. Knox Branch of the Military Pagan Network. He is also the co-owner of DragonStar Crafts an online pagan supply store. Louann Vales aka SilverNightstar has been a practicing Wiccan for 11 years. When she lived in Washington State worked with the Spokane Pagan Alliance and is the co-owner of DragonStar Crafts. Shortly after Liam became the Point of Contact for the Military Pagan Network, we deiced to start and E-group to share the information we were finding for his MPN duties with the rest of the Kentucky Pagans. The next day we went to talk with one of the local stores about listing her for the Military Pagan Network database when we mentioned the E-group to get a little feedback on the idea. Driving home we got talking and realized that somehow the KPN had just jumped off line and into the real world. When we got home, we ran the idea by the cats, dog and fish (yes the same ones who really own DragonStar Crafts) and they confirmed that the idea was a good one. But, seriously, we got talking and realized that there really was a need to bring the Pagan Community together. We knew of several groups and events in the area that really didnt know about each other and decided that it was time that they did. We also knew people that we met online from this area that didnt know there was anything going on for Pagans in Kentucky. So as we built the database for Liam's MPN work it also became a database of information for the KPN. Soon after, we decided to start holding Coffee Chats to find out what the Pagan Community really wanted. After our first meeting we had more ideas then ever and continue to hold them for more ideas. We may have started the Kentucky Pagan Network, but it is all the Kentucky Pagans who help us out and share their ideas with us to put into motion. So who is the Kentucky Pagan Network, all of you, the Pagans residing in Kentucky that make all this possible. Blessed Be Louann Vales and Liam Boyle.